söndag 10 april 2011

Well it has been sometime since i wrote anything. I have been composing and i cant share sounding stuff here. Ive written a couple of pieces in a suit The Bitter Suit. Im looking back on life or maybe comparing life then and now. : ) I dont know if its meaningful its more a less a reason for beaing creative.

tisdag 30 november 2010

Icon IV
Just before its being glued......
Icon, a gift to some friends
A piece mad for some students TUT and BIP. A way of explaining musical form and the elements of composition. And finding new ways of making sound and having fun.

tisdag 23 november 2010

working on the composition isnt always easy....
im getting close... i think....
icon IV (lots of things going on)

tisdag 16 november 2010

Icon III
A fish in the hand of a rabbit in a pile of gold

måndag 15 november 2010

Icon nr IV is growing on my wall, pins and no background yet.

torsdag 28 oktober 2010

icon III
in the process will soon ad the final version

tisdag 19 oktober 2010