i am back to the thought about everythings beginning.Its always ways of doing things differently but why dont why do that?
Why is it hard for a well educated and intelligent person to just do things why do we always make understanding the first step of our creativity? In my work with children i find the do part the most important, in some cases it takes some understanding of the software used but mostly the understanding grows while they are working. art can be theory or theories but in the end it comes down to practical work. it takes endurance to go from idea to the end. theory can help but it needs to be turned into practical use. Kids often define their own theories, why does music need to be written from left to right? i have experienced scores written in many mysterious ways but they all make sense and expand my own understanding of what the creative process is about. The scores may need explanaitions it needs to communicate to/with the performers. Almost every score historical or contemprary carries the same problem. Kids scores doesnt leave play out they rather incorporate play into the score. to be contimued