onsdag 31 mars 2010

graph scores

Tomo starts my exhibition at the library. Great fun and a bit strange presenting things in a new way.Really a challange to met a new audience. Six pieces: Distracted, the secret language, Breath, Cage 1-4, Soliloqies 1 and 5, Sounds and life that left hours ago! 11 graphic scores for imp. ensemble and solo.

söndag 21 mars 2010

Cage 1-4, a solopiece for saxophone. linoprints.
the sense of being behind bars, limited, words and instructions yet to come.

onsdag 10 mars 2010

Warren Burt

Penguino Lunaire a text through a penguins eye. Warren Burt wrote and sent these text to Kenneth Gaburo. How does a penguin react and act i relation to a romantic poem and how will it be translated? Worms or frogs how do they relate to contemporary art?

fredag 5 mars 2010

another launrymorning, soon work. Are rules really important for making music? Working with children yesterday made me think. I find it really interesting when the kids themself make their own rules. What are the rules for Justice?

måndag 1 mars 2010

tomo new project with 5 yearold kids. Using a very old modell to make new music Cantus Firmus.