torsdag 29 april 2010


Looking at the picture slowly growing.... still miss something that will end it. the title, "suddenly, the blue flower of happiness met their eyes"

måndag 26 april 2010


do do do do do do do or not to do do do do do do do, just in the middle of thoughts....

torsdag 22 april 2010

some mornings starts with a bang not a big bang just a small one. soon away to the office to collect a computer then back home starting a long composing process. the picture is growing good!

onsdag 21 april 2010

after a vulcanictrip or nontrip from bologna back to umeå im happy to be back home. buses, trains,taxis, by foot and ferry it took me four days. two days in Prague a beau city but not if you want to come home fast.
Working on this collagething dolls dead eyes memories cut in half dancing bodies happy but melancolic, alive but froozen, breathing, once i saw the blue flower of happiness it made me dance, mostly inside

måndag 5 april 2010

creativity and time

its late really late and i should be sleeping but i cant because chinese ink and linoprint goes to well together, oldcigarrboxes also go well with just about everything pastellcolors and ink... ideas just give birth to new ideas... ideas dont sleep maybe thats the reasone i dont dream or i cant remember anything when i wake up... some people might find that strange but i have accepted the fact that my ideas are more like dreams... not daydreams... ah whatever must sleep but i do not want to.....

torsdag 1 april 2010

Graphic scores in the library

a very small space but i could fit parts of six pieces in the screen. A happy and new moment.
Pictures in place at the library. Looking at them in a different enviroment was a bit strange but a good feeling. Easter is coming up and i am going to dedicate my holidays for writing more music.
The pieces presented at the exhibit works well and i feel they represent a good part of my creative life, not that life has been good all the time during the period. Life isnt easy. still the creative side of life has been good. Kenneth Gaburos thoughts about making art and music of problems and reallife events is the umbrella for everything.